Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// Experience. Execution. Excellence.

COSTS of fixing bugs from production

  • A production bug is a very expensive bug to fix, hot-fixes are dangerous and can lead to new issues bigger than the one you are trying to fix
  • Having automated tests prevents new bugs in the development stage, at a commit level (each merge request is tested)
  • Blockers in production cause revenue blockage, clients leaving your product, image deterioration, etc.. 
  • It’s not a singular effort to fix a production bug, most time multiple developers work on the same fix, fix needs to be tested, deployment to production is time consuming.
  • While fixing production bugs, new features implementation is halted
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Cost savings fixing production/new bugs

Total Summary

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// Experience. Execution. Excellence.

Sanity/Smoke automated tests VS manual Sanity/Smoke

  • A simple Calculator that calculates the amount of time a company spends via manual testing on doing a sanity/smoke for each development task.
  • We reduce this cost via an automated SANITY test suite that saves this time and money.
  • Building a Sanity/Smoke suite that tests basic functionalities takes around 3 weeks -> 1.5 months depending on the complexity of the product, and would be at an estimated price of around 6000 Euro
  • Depending on how many users stories and testers are working the ROI could occur after approx a month
  • We must take in consideration also the benefits of a feedback loop …. meaning that while it takes a manual tester an average of 3 hours, it takes the automated suite 5-10 minutes.
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Manual Sanity VS Automated Sanity


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{{ item.title }}: {{ item.value }}
// Experience. Execution. Excellence.

Costs saved when you have an automatic test regression suite VS when you run it manually

  • A simple Calculator that calculates the amount of time a company spends via manual testing on doing a full regression run .
  • We reduce this cost via an automated REGRESSION test suite that saves time and money.
  • Building a Sanity suite that has a satisfactory full coverage metric is more costly and can take up to 3+ month, it depends on complexity of product
  • Depending on the how often a full regression is run, but after approx 10 regression cycles  you can see ROI increasing 
  • We must also take in consideration the speed of feedback loop … meaning that while takes a manual tester to do a full regression in average 3 days , automated tests take for the same regression pack 30 minutes
Two columns

Manual Regression Vs Automated Regression

Total Summary

"{{getWooProductName}}" has been added to your cart

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{{ item.title }}: {{ item.value }}

// Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions

